Friday, July 31, 2015

Traveling Across the US: Day 3: Chicago/Austin

Do you want to know how much of a genius I am? I scheduled a flight for 7am to save about $20 even though I wouldn't be able to check into my next hostel until 3pm. That 7am plane arrived in Austin from Chicago at 9am. So this was really a Hall of Fame terrible idea.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Traveling Across the US: Day 2: Chicago

The lesson of day number 2 of my excursion is that weather men are liars and shouldn't ever be listened to. I was going to go to the Cubs game at Wrigley Field that started at 1:20 yesterday, but it was supposed to thunderstorm for at least a good portion of the game. Not perfect baseball weather!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Traveling Across the US: Day 1: Chicago

So for the next 3 weeks, the purpose of this blog is gonna change to my travel journal through my three week trek via bus and plane from Columbus to Seattle via Chicago, Austin, LA, San Francisco and Portland. That's lotsa places for me to explore either for fun or to see if I want to apply for jobs in after I get my MBA.

 Look in my eyesssss, what do ya see?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

5 things 7/23

1. i made a lego space needle
2. i didn't freak out when I got stuck up there w/ the legos
3. i don't have to go into work tomorrow
4. tracked down all the people for the 8/20 happy hr
5. we have a date for the follies auction!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

5 things 7/21

1. convo w/ Ahern lasted over an hr!
2. First years love the game night
3. up in the air got amazing after I pushed through
4. gonna get to go to FNL fo free
5. applied for first post grad jobbies

Monday, July 20, 2015

5 things 7/20

1. got my own haircut for first time ever
2. went to a new place I was scared to go
3. got told I've done well at my internship & got a reference
4. didn't panic and figured out PNC pin
5. only 8 days till I blow this pop stand
6. haven't gotten upsest that only 2 people going to my thing

Friday, July 17, 2015

Last Night I Watched: Trainwreck

Trainwreck is the first Judd Apatow movie he's directed but not written the script. Probably not coincidentally, it's his best movie since 2007. Schumer's voice combined with Apatow's direction aren't perfect, but when one of the first lines of the main character is about a penis being so big that it's murdered people, you can be pretty sure a movie is going to be fantastic.

The official studio poster

Thursday, July 16, 2015

This Week I've Watched: Evil Dead, Back To The Future & Ghostbusters

I haven't written in awhile, since I've been busy playing a lot of Civ 5 before getting frustrated after four hours that I'm awful at it, but I've slowly been watching movies again and, unlike last time I wrote, I actually picked ones I liked. Oh boy!

Friday, July 10, 2015

This Week I've Watched: Raging Bull & Best In Show

So these were two movies I expected to love and didn't. I had a good run of picking movies so far, aside from The Guest, but I guess all good things must come to an end.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

5 things 7/9

1. got that positive reply
2. got an interview next week
3. called peggy
4. RMEP liked mah email
5. SM helped on Portland

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Last Weekend I Watched: United 93 and the USWNT

I didn't have anything to do on July 4th because Columbus generally celebrates Independence Day on July 3rd with Red, White and Boom, a giant mass of people apparently standing around and doing nothing. So on the 4th, I decided I'd be patriotic and watch a movie involving Americans taking down the terrorists: United 93.

                                       I didn't make this myself, it's the actual poster, studios

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Last Night I Watched: Magic Mike

I think I must have heard some random people talking about Magic Mike XXL or something yesterday, but for whatever reason I decided to watch Magic Mike last night. I'd tried to watch it a couple of years ago but didn't get past the part where Olivia Munn was just standing around naked for some reason. But it turned out to be pretty good! Not fantastic or anything, but it was funny and charming and the first coming of age male stripper movie I've ever seen. So that's something.

Screenshot from the movie. Didn't steal this I promise

Friday, July 3, 2015

This Week I've Watched: Gone Girl, John Wick & A History of Violence

Keep in mind here that I'm just picking movies I should've watched in the past but haven't seen for any reason so that's how you end up with two recent movies and one from 10 years ago. Anyways, they were all really good! I just had nitpicks with all three, that were pretty much my only complaints so they seem worse than they are to me.