Saturday, June 27, 2015

Introducing T-Bang's Summer 2015 Film Festival

So last summer while I was killing myself voluntarily studying for the NY bar, I was too poor to afford new video games or anything like that, so I decided I'd watch a new movie every night or every other night to at least have some kind of highlight at the end of my day. I think I ended up doing it pretty much every night for a month and dug up my final top 5 rankings from less than a week before the bar:

I figured since I have exactly a month to go before I head to Chicago on July 28 to start my 3 week plus sojourn through the western United States, I'd try to do that again more since I'm bored as hell than because I need a highlight. Thursdays it probably won't happen but hey most nights is good enough. Or maybe during the day on those days who knows.

I'm still deciding on what I'm going to watch tonight. Probably something off HBO Go but who knows. I'll probably write a 500 word review of it on here tomorrow and if anyone randomly comes across this with any suggestions, holla at ya boy. 

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